In accordance with the results of Vote #5, Minto burned BTCMT tokens in the HECO network, minted the same amount in the BSC network and sent them to the PancakeSwap exchange's liquidity pool.
Burning tokens is a purely technical event, which, of course, does not stand for making a bonfire and dancing around it. Tokens are simply sent to a deliberately non-existent address, usually 0x00...000.
Below we list all the BTCMT burning transactions that you can easily verify:
In total, 2,259,258 BTCMT were burned.
We sincerely appreciate the time spent in partnership with HECO, especially since the Minto project began there, however, for the reasons listed at voting, and even before that, described in detail in our article, this page of our history was finally turned over today, and we continue in BSC!
Here are the mint confirmations: