Any blockchain is a completely transparent platform where everyone can see their own and others' transactions, transaction volumes, owners' addresses, number of blocks and other important information. There are many services that allow users to analyze the blockchain and draw conclusions about the dynamics of their development, prospects and relative success.
As you know, the Minto project was initially launched on the HECO network, and later on BSC. These networks were launched almost simultaneously, in September and December 2020 respectively, so today, two years later, it's time to analyze both blockchains to assess their comparative success and the development potential of the Minto project in each.
Total Value Locked
To begin with, let's evaluate blockchains by the TVL (Total Value Locked) parameter, that is, by the size of the blocked assets. It’s one of the most important parameters, since it actually means the network capitalization and the user trust level. So, in early September 2022, HECO TVL amounted to just over $145M, and BSC TVL - $6.5B, that is, BSC turned out to be almost 45-fold more capitalized than HECO.
At the same time, a year ago, HECO TVL was about $2.0B, that is, it decreased almost 14-fold year-over-year, and BSC TVL - $16.5 - an annual 2.5-fold decrease.



Number of transactions
We use the convenient and universal YCHARTS service:

So, the number of intraday transactions on the Binance network is 24 times higher than the same parameter in the HECO network, and also 2.3 times higher than the number of transactions on the network of the second most popular cryptocurrency Ethereum.
Activity in HECO community
Let's evaluate the activity in the HECO community.

Thus, the HECO team’s activity in promoting the network and its development has decreased.
HECO network-oriented services
Let's evaluate what is happening with HECO network-oriented services. The popular O3 SWAP exchanger excluded HECO from the list of available networks some time ago.

However, a much more important resource for HECO is the decentralized MDEX exchange, launched in January 2021 on this network, and then in April 2021 on the BSC network.
The TVL of both chains is approximately the same.

However, BSC is generally supported by a huge number of DEX and exchanges, and the absolute leader in capitalization among them is the PancakeSwap exchange, where, as you know, the Minto project is already working. PancakeSwap exceeds the TVL of all the top ten exchanges combined, and has 45 times the TVL of the MDEX exchange.

The capitalization of the corresponding tokens indirectly testifies to BSC’s superiority: information about MDX tokens (MDEX exchange token), BNB (BSC) and HT (HECO) is provided below - charts, dynamics for the year, ranking position, capitalization:

The Minto team is grateful to all its partners for our joint work. In this analytical report, we tried to compare two popular blockchains launched almost simultaneously two years ago. Both projects have come a long way, but the Binance Smart Chain team managed it somewhat better than the Huobi ECO Chain team. Today, everyone can evaluate the current network parameters and draw conclusions for themselves. Minto, in turn, continues to develop in both networks and looks into the future with confidence.